56 miles, +1918/-2143 feet
Riding through Kansas City on our cross country bike tour this morning, the weather was warm, clear and completely beautiful. The canal trail is such a change from any other roads or trails that we have...
72 miles, (+some extra) +3073/-3079
When we left the hotel this morning we were told it was going to be very hot....over 100 degrees. Within an hour, the riders had taken shelter on the porch of a very old house.
86 miles, +3401/-3542 feet
Picture yourself riding cross country on beautiful country roads with little to NO traffic. The corn is growing, birds are singing, and you are happy doing your thing - your cross country bike tour thing.
With a little...
Third Rest Day of our Cross Country Bike Tour in Junction City, KS
Total mileage to date: 1594 miles
Today marks the half-way point in our cross country journey from the perspective of number of days we are together. Tomorrow, when...
52 miles, +941/-1094 feet
Ride a little, eat a little, ride a little bit more....Picnic lunch in Eisenhower Park!
Country Roads take me home.
If the road between Salina and Abilene was good, then the road between Abilene and Junction City...
79 miles, +1651/-2287
An almost magical route on this cross country bike ride. Wide shoulders to begin with. Very little traffic all the way. Two great rest-stop locations. Very nice people stopping to talk with us.
We paused at the Cheyenne Bottoms...
85 miles, +430/-1088 feet
Windy, warm and wonderful. Good shoulders on the roads and minimum traffic. A good day in Kansas.
This evening the temperature has warmed up. Some conflict among reports, but somewhere in the mid 90's. We talked over...
83 miles, +1041/-1376 feet
The cross country tour day goes like this: wake up, eat, ride, eat, ride, eat, ride, eat, ride, eat, sleep, repeat day after day. Once in a while you have to do your laundry, but bike clothes...
40 miles, +375/-622 feet
Short day today, with a tailwind again. Oh, my!
After sleeping in and leaving the hotel at 9:00AM, the first stop on our continuing cross country bike tour was at a huge horse on the side of the...
72 miles, +389/-1255 feet
Average speed with the tailwind today: 21 mph
After the past few long cross country days, we slept in this morning and didn't mount-up until 8:30.
The wind is still blowing from the right direction and pushing the pace....