Day 21 – Cross Country Bike Tour – Liberal to Dodge City, KS

83 miles, +1041/-1376 feet

The cross country tour day goes like this:  wake up, eat, ride, eat, ride, eat, ride, eat, ride, eat, sleep, repeat day after day.  Once in a while you have to do your laundry, but bike clothes are usually washed out daily in the shower or sink.  It’s not a good idea to let those sit too long.  Icky…

Bananas are a staple along with other fruit and pastry

Bananas are a staple along with other fruit and pastry…

Usually twice a day the Feed Zone opens up to provide fruit, pastry, water, power products and snack-types of food.  By this time on tour, riders most often have made the decision that stopping for lunch is also a really good idea.  Today, I am told they ate at a great Mexican restaurant on the corner of US 54 E and US 283 N.  You just never know where the good lunch spots will pop up.

The Feed Zone

This morning it was pouring rain at 5 AM, but cleared by the time we left the hotel at 7:30.  The day warmed up nicely, and you’d know it……the winds were again in our favor.  Amazing!

Our SAG (support and gear) stop was at the Dalton Gang hideout in Mead, KS.  We took our time, and even dressed up for the occasion. (Such good sports!)IMG_4503 (2)

As well, phones were checked and body parts stretched.  These time-outs along the way to Boston are unique for each rider, doing what they need to do to take care of themselves.

Tomorrow we’re off to Great Bend, the next day to Salina, and then a very, very well deserved day off in Junction City. We are very close to the half-way point of our cross country tour.  It’s happening quickly.  Stay tuned.

What would we do without our phones. Mark could tell us.

What would we do without our phones? Mark could tell us.

