Cross Country Bike Tour Sea to Shining Sea Tour Across the USA

Cross Country Bike Tour – Sea to Shining Sea
Tour across the USA

Manhattan Beach, CA to Revere Beach, Boston, MA sea_to_shining_sea_bike_tour_across_the_us
Approximately 3500 miles
43 riding days/5 rest days/49 nights

Leaving from the beautiful beach town of Manhattan Beach, CA, the tour heads East towards Revere Beach in Boston, MA. As you settle into a first day pace, filled with excitement, the newness jitters of tour are worked out and the how-to’s of tour are answered. As each day passes you become stronger as an endurance rider. Through the desert of California and the high-desert of Arizona, across the Continental Divide and into New Mexico, leaving Arizona a distant memory, the tour pedals on ticking off an average 79 miles per day.

Pedaling eastward through Texas and Oklahoma, the landscape becomes green with life in Kansas where the growing season is well underway. Onward through Missouri, crossing the mighty Mississippi River into Illinois after a well earned fourth (of five) rest day in Champaign, IL. With six states to go, plans are made by groups of riders to visit Niagara Falls on the next rest day in Erie, Pennsylvania, after passing through the beautiful landscapes of Ohio. Just you and your bike, free to ride through the day!

New York State is next on the agenda before finishing up your sea-to-sea adventure-by-bike across America. From Albany, NY, the tour continues East as it heads directly across Vermont, through New Hampshire to Massachusetts and on to Revere Beach in Boston.

The BIG DREAM begins on the edge of the sea, travels east across America and ends forty nine days later at the sea.  In between, forty-three riding days, five rest days, and memories held only by those who dare to DREAM BIG.

Reserve your space today!

*Each regional tour is a part of the Sea to Shining Sea – Tour across the United States. If necessary, pricing to start or end your tour at an alternative location on our route can be provided. Tour dates, however, may not be changed.  View full itinerary.

Sea to Sea Tour

43 riding days

5 rest days

49 hotel nights





2025 Dates

Start:  May 3, 2025  

Finish: June 21, 2025





Destination Cities

• Manhattan Beach, CA through Arizona, New Mexico, Texas, Oklahoma, Kansas, Missouri, Illinois, Indiana, Ohio, Pennsylvania, New York, Vermont and New Hampshire, to Revere Beach, Boston, MA
• With rest days in: Flagstaff, AZ, Santa Fe, NM, Emporia, KS, Champaign, IL, Erie, PA

See map.