Day 49 – Cross Country Bike Tour – Waltham to Pleasure Bay Beach, MA
17.5 miles, +317/-525 feet

Pleasure Bay Beach, Boston!
Much cooler this morning as we left the hotel for the final ride to Pleasure Bay Beach….BUT….spirits could not be dampened. This was the last link in the cross country journey from coast-to-coast. It was time to go!
Through Waltham and onto the Charles River Parkway, the riders enjoyed the river, boat houses and unique architecture along the path. Over the highway on a walking bridge and through downtown Boston to Pleasure Bay Beach. And, as we said every morning, SHAZAM, the journey was over as quickly as it began, with a wheel dip in the ocean. Only now, there are the memories of seven weeks on the road.
43 riding days with 5 rest days
3365 miles
104,957 feet of climbing
105,138 feet of descending
We congratulate Howie and Mark who rode EVERY FABULOUS INCH!

Steve’s family welcomed us with signs and cookies!

A warm Mahoney family reunion

Steve with his mom, dad, and sister

Harriet drove from NJ to join Mark and Howie for the ride to the beach and then drive them home