Day 32 – Cross Country Bike Tour – Springfield to Champaign, IL
98 miles, +1677/-1537 feet
Country roads take me home…..or at least to a nice hotel for rest day.

Someone is at home on this road…
Yes, the hotel is nice, but the country roads on our cross country journey were magnificent today. Almost too good to be true under a slightly overcast sky that kept the temperatures very moderate at 82 degrees. Just look at these beautiful roads~
Hard to believe, but these wonderful roads took us within three miles of the hotel and then it was just down the street and around the corner. What fun!

Smooth and easy to ride

Almost no cars
It takes more than just riding your bike though….you have to eat, and we did. Twice. We set up the Feed Zone in two spots that are frequented by the local cyclists.

Have a seat and rest for a bit….and then move on down that country road

A very quiet spot out in the country at a small store

The Feed Zone
Occasionally we will see other riders and it’s always fun to exchange a wave. It’s very interesting to hear what people say when they discover that our group is riding “clear across the country”. Most people cannot imagine. Others are thinking to themselves and wondering if they would ever be brave enough.
Before we left the hotel this morning in Springfield, I had the pleasure to speak with a gentleman who was sitting outside enjoying the coolness of the morning. He asked about the van and what we were doing. As I explained, his face had a look of complete puzzlement. He asked if we had a website so he could read about the ride. I believe that he will read about the trip and follow along. Sir, if you are reading this now, thank you for the nice conversation and the words of encouragement, along with your kind wishes for safety.
And now we rest…