Great Scott! Bike and Walk Event!
Q. What is the Great Scott! Bike and Walk Event?
A. More than 30 miles of beautiful country roads, centered around Scott Road, where only cyclists and pedestrians are permitted for 7 hours.
Q. What’s the entry fee?
A. The ride is FREE and made possible by Sacramento County, El Dorado County, City of Rancho Cordova, City of Folsom and our 50 Corridor Chambers of Commerce. Read more about the event.
Who doesn’t like a FREE event? Especially a free event when you can ride your bike on closed roads through the beautiful countryside with no cars! What a great (Scott) event! …with a bit of wind, but lots of sunshine and a fantastic group of people. For me, my hat is off to the walkers. You know, it’s one thing to go out and ride your bike for miles and miles, but to walk it – that’s a whole different story. There were lots of walkers and family group in addition to hundreds of cyclists all kitted up.

(the other) Paula at Great Scott
For those of us working the event, we wore special May is Bike Month T-shirts and orange course monitor vests. Very official!

Dana at the Great Scott Ride

Riders Gathered at the End of Scott Road – Start point, or turn-around point

Beautiful – Scott Road, closed to cars!