How to Change a Flat Bike Tire

There they go!
How to Change a Flat Bike Tire
No one wants to walk home because they don’t know how to change a flat bike tire. If you’re on the road or trail alone it will serve you well to be prepared with the supplies and tools you need to change a flat when it happens. And, sooner or later it will happen, so now is a good time to brush up on your skills and check your seat-bag to be sure you are well stocked with tubes, tools, Co2 and/or a pump.
If you are riding with a group, most often they will stop and wait for you to change a flat tire that happens when you least expect it. Some riders will offer to help if your skills are a bit rusty, but it’s great to “own” the process for yourself.
Practice at home, before you need to change a flat on the trail or road is HIGHLY recommended. Taking the time to know how to change a flat quickly and stress free can make all the difference in your ride and in your day, and who knows, you may teach your friends a trick or two in the process.
Thanks to, here are some easy to follow instructions. Now all you have to do is practice!